Thursday, May 12, 2011

Most Durable Hiking Boots

II National Meeting of Documentary in the Chaco

Thursday 26 to Saturday May 28, 2011
Isla del Cerrito, Chaco Province


Thursday, 26 May:

11.00 am: Departure of Resistance to the island of El Cerrito.

13.00 pm: Lunch.

15:00 pm: REPORT: In charge of the organizers of the Operational Plan for the Promotion and Development of Digital Audiovisual Content. Progress with the unions to set specific tariff schedules. The national impact. Topics discussed and other elements for X-rays. Balance Via Digital Documentary . New regulations.

17.00 pm: Working committee.

20.00 pm: Dinner.

22.00 am: Presentation of trailers 10 ' by regional partnerships that allow for a visual overview of the winning projects of the Operational Plan for the Promotion and Development of Contents Digital audiovisual or other audiovisual works which are post-production meeting in Cordoba.

Friday, May 27:

8.30 am: Breakfast.

9.00 to 13.00:

PANEL 1 : practical experiences in implementing the Act Media and the Operational Plan for the Promotion and Development of Digital Audiovisual Content. The various actors in the new audiovisual landscape. Experiences of national, regional and local levels. The contribution of the documentary to the actual implementation of the Law media.

PANEL 2: Is the television and new technologies require a visual language itself? There are issues specific to different formats? Or the same issues can develop in any of them?

13.00: Lunch.

15.00: Labour Commission.

20.30: Dinner.

22.00: Screening of documentaries produced locally. Event open to the community.

Saturday 28 May:

8.30 am: Breakfast.

9.00 am: REPORT ON Base data Argentina Network of Documentary. Guidelines for data collection.

10.00 am Working Committee.

13.00 pm: Lunch.

15:00 pm: Closing Working Committee.

19.00 pm: Plenary: Conclusions Reading.

20.30 pm: Dinner.

22.00 pm: Musical performance. Event open to the community.

Sunday 29 May:

Delegations return.


Documentary The Third Meeting of Latin American and Caribbean-XXI century to be held between 6 and 9 July 2011 in Buenos Aires, will emerge from II National Meeting of documentaries that take place in the Chaco from 26 May 28 . This part of the need to meet one of the objectives proposed in Córdoba is the relationship between the National Network of Documentary to Documentary Network in Latin America and the Caribbean, so the proposals to relocate the III Encuentro have to emerge from the meeting Chaco.
believe important to emphasize, this time, the need to strengthen this area of \u200b\u200bjoint meeting and documentary filmmakers from around the country, space that is just forming and it is essential at this time participation with commitment, maintaining the democratic and inclusive spirit that has, since its creation. As we ask the confirmation of the participation of associations and regional organizations in the Second National Meeting. We reiterate that fall under the food and accommodation costs of 2 representatives from each national association, regional and provincial or 3 per region (Centre, Cuyo, NEA, NOA, Patagonia and Central) for independent peer.
On the other hand, we reiterate that we send the names of the participants, or regional organization to which they belong and in which Task Force be entered before 19, to May , and .
Finally, we invite you to participate in the following Thematic Panels :
PANEL 1: Concrete experiences in the implementation of the Media Law and Operational Plan for the Promotion and Development of Audiovisual Content Digital. The actors in the new audiovisual landscape. Experiences of national, regional and local levels. The contribution of the documentary to the actual implementation of media law.
PANEL 2: Is the television and new technologies require a visual language itself? There are issues specific to different formats? Or the same issues can develop in any of them?
For that, we ask you to send a summary exposure proposal by May 19 the same email listed above.
also remind you that there will be room for the filing of trailers 10 'by regional partnerships that allow for a visual overview of the winning projects of the Operational Plan Promotion Audiovisual and Digital Content Development or other audiovisual works which are post-production meeting in Cordoba
We send a warm greeting, Anibal
Ariel Diresa
Camilo Moreira Biurra
Dolores Miconi
Eduardo Spagnuolo
Gisela Hirschfeld
Humberto Ríos Marcelo Pérez
Mauricio Carmona Nestor Moreno
Norma Fernandez Sergio Romero
Tito Ameijeiras


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