never tasted dumplings wafers "the cook" and I finally decided to buy them and tried to make chicken, the truth is that we loved, the next time the tuna'll see how I go.

Ingredients: -1 package
-200 gr patties of minced chicken, half an onion
-200 g crushed tomato-
-1 pinch salt sugar
First I made a sauce with finely chopped onion, when it was clear, I put the minced meat and sautéing kept everything.

When the meat was well sautéed tomatoes I put a little salt, a pinch of sugar and pepper, mixed it all and leave it over medium heat about 10 minutes.

And so I was filling the dumplings.

After very carefully, I was filling the pies, the closed and sealed with a fork so it does not nothing out of the landfill.

In a deep skillet with enough oil in the frying was 3 in three so as not to stick or break.

And that's how I stayed, and riquiiisimas golden brown!

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