Today I made two chicken leg to an oven and we liked it, especially the sauce of vegetables, mmm wet bread was delicious .. .
chicken leg
-2 -2 -2
medium tomatoes, onion, carrots
-1 -4 or 5 cloves of garlic
-2 bay leaves -1 cup white wine, salt and
pepper Olive-oil
I put the chicken is clean in a baking dish, I washed down with wine, I have seasoned, well I've sprinkled a bit of curry, which is so yellow you see above chicken, then I've put the tomatoes, onion and carrot, all cut into large pieces, the garlic I have cut in half and I have put some under the chicken and other over the bay leaves and also with the vegetables. I've got the oven, turned up and down to 180 º.

When I saw that the vegetables were done, I've got to make the sauce, the chicken I put in the oven again, until done. In the bowl of the mixer, I put all the vegetables and a little juice from the tray, I beat all I've added a little salt and pepper and the sauce is now ready.

For sauce is a little thin, I've gone through the strainer Chinese.

Chicken is a fact in 1 short hour or so to go with it, I fried some potatoes.

Well now you have some photos that I have asked many
you for you to see what guapiiiisima and savvy that's my girl, now 2 months
and a half almost, and it holds the cabezita a lot is quite large, the other day I took
review 2 months and put the first shots, poor thing
mine, as she cried ... my tears fell I also mourn
see both, but hey, it was only a little while. He said the pediatrician who will
growing very well, weighs 5 kg. 200 gr. and measured 58 cm. is quite long, will
as his dad is quite high ...
And here she is with her smile, laugh all day, enough to look at it and let go
and a good laugh, the truth is it's very good, hardly cries, just
when hungry or when seen after bathing, sleeping
evening quite well, and not wake up every 3 hours to eat, now I hold 5 or 6 hours straight
asleep jejejeje glad that already.
is to eat! I took her with kisses all day, I drop my baba
with it, if not mother's love or not it is, but I see