This recipe is made with flounder, better if Sole Fillets without skin or bones, but what I had in the freezer was panga, and the truth is that I came out just as good.

Ingredients: -2
panga fillets
-oil-flour-salt and pepper
For the sauce:
-2 tablespoons butter ½ lemon-juice-a
ajopere jet (chopped garlic and parsley)
-half cup of water-salt
-1 teaspoon cornstarch
First make the sauce, put the butter in a saucepan and discard low heat to avoid burning, as he squeezes half a lemon.

when butter was made well broken lemon juice, I snuck to keep me a bone. Then you take a good ajopere jet, half a glass of water, a little salt and let it boil a few minutes.

I so I would not stay as liquid, I put a teaspoon of cornstarch, but let's going to taste you in the end is a sauce more or less well.

These are the panga fillets that I used are frozen Mercadona, I can not remember the price, but I think they are very expensive and very good.

I defrosted, I put salt and pepper and flour went through, you can also go through egg, but I did not, but I like that.

Fry in skillet with hot oil when golden brown, drain well, put on your plate, and they pour the sauce on top.

I went with the fries, which were wet with death the sauce!

You see that is not a light dish, but is scrumptious ...